The Shape Builder Tool in Illustrator is remarkable for what it can do to build shapes. You may be familiar with the Pathfinder and its ability to add, subtract or knock out shapes but the Shape Builder Tool can do even more. Explore what it can do for you, especially when it comes to strokes. The results may just that "WOW" moment you needed in shape construction.
See the video here.
Illustrator has had Clipping Masks for many version but many people stumble through it or have their own quirky methods of making things mask correctly. You want to learn ALL the ins and outs as well as this Draw inside method? Watch this video and see how cool this can be.
The Direct Selection tool is a surprising and bewildering tool to select points and manipulate shapes. I will show you how to use it like a pro, set the preferences so the points are easier to select and create open paths to use the Join feature. See the complete video here.
What is Paragraph Type and what is Point Type? Many people have come across this and here is the explainer on what each one does and doesn't do. Point type, you click with the Type tool and type… forever. Paragraph Type you create a text container that allows for text relfow. And yes, you can convert one to another, it is really that simple. Watch the video and see!
March 2021